Tuesday 24 December 2013

PART A: Instruction: Students are required to use ( / ) to correct answer in the box.

Appendix for Questionnaire and Interview

PART B- Instruction: Students are required to rate ( / ) to the statements accordingly to the indicators provided below.
Strongly Disagree         Disagree                    Neutral                     Agree              Strongly Agree  

I really interested to attend the art class

I understand the visual arts education objective

In the art classes, I'm able to know the others race culture

The art classes help me to generate my creative thinking to memorize the facts in other subjects

In art classes, it help me to express my feelings and reduce pressure that faced

Do you think that, arts education can help you to build your self-esteem?

I believe that arts education can be the best medium to unite of the race in Malaysia

Arts class is a boring class

Arts can help me to think beyond out of box

I think that arts education is not important to be learned

INTERVIEW PART [Teacher’s section]
1.      In your opinion, how to improve the standard of visual arts education on a par with science and mathematics subjects?
2.      How does effective of emphasizing the arts subject to the students?
3.      What is your perceptions as art educators regarding reasons for the lack of administrative and public support for arts programs in the public schools?                                  

My Research Title

"The Study Towards the Level of Emphasis in Teaching Visual Arts Education in Malaysian Schools"

Sampling Techniques


Systematic sampling - have a guideline
Cluster sampling - Chosen by district
Stratified - group network (jaringan kumpulan)
Convenience - respondent are found accidentally

Others sampling method:

Two stage sampling - do the choosing in 2 times
Snowball sampling - samples that obtained from the other persons
                             - example: Aids cases, the abuse victims
Purposive sampling - have a purpose: the respondents will be selected by the researcher

Problem Tree

Before we start writing of our research, we can make the problem tree to help us to find out roughly for the core problem which is, the causes and the effects, here I've attached the example of "Problem Tree" designs. I hope that it will helping you in your research writing, ;)

Data Analysis Methodology


  • Interview
  • Ethnographic
  • Historical research
  • Action research
  • Data more in "text"
  • Experimental
  • Correlational
  • Causal comparative
  • Survey
  • Data more in "numbers" - using questionnaire
Here are some of mind mapping that I've downloads from the internet :)

Let's know the types of research methodologies! ;)

The explanation for all this research methodology I have explained it in the first post.. So, for more information please scroll it down.. hehe..sorry for the inconvenience.. peace :D v

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Types of Research

1. Experimental Research

  • To bring new idea
  • Maybe it will have a comparison between two methods (the new idea and conventional)
2. Correlational Research
  • To measure a relationship between two or more variables
  • Done when there is already a hypothesis as to why something is happening
3. Causal Comparative Research
  • To see the cause and effect of a phenomenon 
4. Survey Research (Quantitative)
  • To see perceptions
  • Use the questionnaire
  • Data in numbers
  • Something possible that might be used in the future
5. Ethnographic Research (Qualitative)
  • More into interview
  • Data more to text
  • To know the culture of a groups
  • To answer the 'Why' questions
  • To observe behaviour
6. Historical Research
  • A study towards what happened in the past
7. Action Research (Kajian tindakan)
  • To get the best way to improve and solve a problem