2.1 The Introduction

This research agrees with the informative description on the about information significance of art for human development, information art considered as a part of culture, information of learning arts education for unity, information on recent study about the importance of arts education and information on lessons from the arts.

2.2 Information about significance of art for human development

The most importance thing to learn the arts subject is through the arts the student’s human development can be formed. It is because, the arts is also essential matter to a children. In a review of an article by David, (2004) he stated that, as caring and concerned members of our home and school communities, we want our children to grow into adulthood with arts-enhanced lives, engaging fully in the world’s activities with their aesthetic, cognitive, physical, and emotional strengths – entwining these life processes as often as possible.
 From that statement, we can concluded that the children could encounter each day, so that their knowledge expands, their senses grow, and their responses to life’s situations become mindful and thoughtful. That is the real role of the arts in our lives. At the same review by David (2004), arts is to help us construct our world in wonderful and meaningful ways, and at the same time, gain satisfaction from our expanded ways of knowing how to accomplish this lifelong process. We live holistically; everything matters. Schools need to support this vital way of becoming. Therefore, it strongly agree that in learning visual arts education, we can achieve the student's human development.

2.3 Information about art considered as a part of culture

One observer has already drawn attention to the paradox in information about art considered as a part of culture which is he stated that art and culture are virtually synonymous as far as the lay public is concerned. Anthropologist, however, treat culture much more expansively that art alone. Accordingly, they see culture as a whole, consisting of symbolic meanings or structures of thought, which in turn structure ideas and ways of thinking, including religious beliefs, ethical values, and symbol systems including language, as well as aesthetics and the arts. Because in one way or another all of these aspects of culture are found wherever human society exist, they are considered “cultural universals” Herskovits, (1990).
            From the review, we can clarify that the importance to emphasize the Visual Arts education is because arts a part of culture. Therefore, for us which is the Malaysian people that have a multi-cultural society, through the arts education, we can learn the others culture. Moreover, the awesomeness of this universality brings home the realization that viewing art as the sort of luxury good it has come to constitute in modern society in acknowledgment of the universal prevalence of art in all societies thus far studied does not, of course, explain why art exists, or why among specific groups we find certain forms of art and not others.

2.4 Information of learning arts education for unity

Another reason why we need to emphasize of teaching visual arts education is to keep the peace of our country. It is because according to Badrul, (2008) the visual arts curriculum has been designed in line with the national aspiration to produce Malaysians who are culturally sensitive and who understand how to live with others in peace. For example, classes on making traditional kites (wau), doing traditional dances, and introduction to cultures and heritages are taught for free to those who are interested. These efforts are meant to unite Malaysians through interesting activities. The skills they learn do not only promote the arts and crafts of communities, but also provide occasions for community members to know each other.
Therefore, from the study, we can concluded that education is considered as a powerful tool in achieving social stability through integration. Supplemental yet, the art education curriculum has unity as its defining character; other school subjects also play their role in inculcating such unity. Badrul, (2008) also stated that Malaysia has succeeded in developing a model of unity by using its own mould, based on a national ideology.

2.5 Information about recent study on the importance of arts education

Recent literature and research published within the past twenty years regarding the importance of arts education support the notion that student participation in the arts boosts student achievement; plays an important role in a student’s total development; and results in a decrease in behavioral problems, attendance issues, and dropout rates Babo, (2001)
Additionally, the findings of Horowitz, (2005) and Ingram and Reidel, (2003) supported the premise that integrating arts education strategies across the curriculum results in improved student performance. The authors found that students involved in arts education were able to retain academic knowledge, maintain positive social relationships, and utilize cognitive thinking skills in and outside of school.
From the above study, we can see the studies that was conducted in the past, have focused on the effect of arts education on student achievement. While the previous research is important, of equal importance is research regarding the impact arts education has on total student development. The references used in this research will affirm the connection between arts education, student achievement, and student development and provide rationale for increasing support for arts education in public schools.

2.5 Information on lessons from the arts

Arts education enhances two approaches to cognitive development, the spatial approach and the analytic language approach, often needed to increase student achievement and comprehension. (Shaw, 2004). According to Shaw (2004), the spatial approach affords students the opportunity to visualize problems and solutions as the students process concepts. The author posits that as the student understands the concepts, he or she can solve more readily relevant questions related to the concepts, which is identified as the analytic language approach.
Moreover, Shaw (2004) continues that these two approaches are often neglected in the current traditional school setting because students are often advised to pursue easier courses. According to Shaw, this advice is given to increase grade point averages. Arts education courses may address both issues because students can increase their grade point averages by taking arts classes and both teachers and students can find joy in their accomplishments in these classes.
From point of view, we can see that the author mentioned how the arts teach children to make more informed decisions because the brain is constantly being exercised. Students do not have to rely solely on prescribed rules but can use logic and good judgment in learning objectives. The arts also teach students how to approach concepts from more than one perspective. According to Eisner, (2002) students involved in the arts consider multiple interpretations and perspectives. Through experiences in arts classes, students appreciate learning and desire more knowledge because of addressing the different perspectives and interpretations. Therefore, ours Ministry of Education should to emphasize the visual arts education in the system of education in Malaysia which is good to improve our student’s cognitive development.

2.6 Conceptual Framework

FIGURE 1.3.1

2.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, the researcher provided the readers about brief explanations on the significance to emphasize the visual arts education to encourage the visual arts education become to the level higher standards same as the standards in science and mathematics subjects. A depth understanding on other factors that can lead the Visual Arts education need to be emphasized enable researcher to identify the best medium to upgrade the level of visual arts education as a subject that also important to be noted by the Ministry of Education. Other than that, the researcher came out with conceptual framework (Figure 1.3.1) that shows the dependent and independent variables of the other factors that lead the Visual Arts education need to be emphasized.

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