3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher will provide a broad explanation on the research design of the study, population and sample of the study, instrumentations and data analysis procedures. The finding from the research study will enable researcher to identify the level of emphasis in teaching Visual Arts Education in Malaysian schools and why it’s need to be emphasized.

3.2 Research Design

The methodology used in this research was mixed-method approach. Instruments used for quantitative method were questionnaire survey to observe the students perceptions regarding the need of emphasized the Visual Arts education in Malaysian education system. Meanwhile for qualitative approach, researcher used the interview sessions to find out the arts teachers opinion regarding on how to improve the standard of visual arts education on a par with science and mathematics. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was also to examine the beliefs and perceptions of arts educators regarding reasons for decreased administrative and public support for arts programs in the public schools in an attempt to determine possible strategies to reverse the trend.

3.3 Population and Sample

In this study, researcher was divided the respondents into two category which is students who are in science social classes which is take the arts subject for their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and students who are in the science classes. They are both from form four and the form five students in a two public school that selected. In the survey, the researcher had chances to observe the students interest in learning the Visual Arts, do they think that learning Visual Arts education is important to them or not. The researcher also used the teachers which is the arts teacher in the two public schools that selected to participate in interview session which is a part of them have experienced in teaching the Visual Arts education and really majored in the Visual Arts education and another parts of them was actually forced to teach the arts because of the lack of teacher in this field.

3.4 Instrumentation

 In this part, the researcher provides a table of instrumentation used to define the types of analysis for each instrument in the research study.



Types of Analysis









The questionnaire paper consists of two parts, part A and B. In part A, students need to fulfill the demographic part and in part B, students have to choose the appropriate answers accordingly to the indicators given. The selection of statements that have been chosen in the questionnaire paper for the part B (10 statements) are to observe the students perceptions regarding the need of emphasized the Visual Arts education in Malaysian education system.
          Researcher also have interviewed the arts teacher in the two public schools that selected to participate in interview session which is the interviewed parts happened in a short time because of the teachers had a compact schedule but somehow there were some important information that is useful for the researcher.

3.5 Data Analysis Procedure

In this section, researcher uses table of data analysis procedure in showing further information about the method used in analyzing the data.

Research Questions
Method of Analysis
1.    How does effective of emphasizing the arts subject to the students?


Content Analysis
2.    Is the students understand the visual arts education objectives?


3.    How does the students understanding towards the importance of learning visual arts educations to generate their creative thinking?


4.    What is students’ perception towards learning in the visual arts education?



            In analyzing the data collection, researcher selected to use mean as method of analysis in the questionnaire paper. The mean that the researcher got the data collection based on secondary school students’ perceptions will enable researcher to come out with the actual result of Malaysian secondary school students’ perception towards do they think that learning Visual Arts education is important to them or not. In the meantime, the researcher will get noticed the good choice of method in enhancing the effectiveness of non-interactive instrument (questionnaire) which was appropriate to answer the research questions for this study.
      In the interview session, the researcher earned important information from the two public schools arts teachers respondents about the issue that related closely to the main topic of the research study. Researcher will able to hear the opinions and ideas of the Art teachers about the importance to emphasizing the visual arts education towards to improve the standard of visual arts education on a par with science and mathematics subjects. Researcher also can get the information regarding the lack of administrative and public support for arts programs in the public schools. 

3.5 Conclusion

This chapter has covered the research design, the sample population, the instrument, the data collection method and the data analysis. The next chapter will be discussing on the findings of this study.

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